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本词条以英国英国外交、联邦和发展事务部“UK Treaties Online
”网站所提供的《华盛顿海军条约》英文版英国国内发行版本的'''[https://treaties.fcdo.gov.uk/data/Library2/pdf/1924-TS0005.pdf 扫描件]'''为蓝本翻译,以维基文库(需翻墙)上的'''[https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Washington_Naval_Treaty,_1922 英文版美国国内发行版本]'''和'''[https://ja.wikisource.org/wiki/%E6%B5%B7%E8%BB%8D%E8%BB%8D%E5%82%99%E5%88%B6%E9%99%90%E3%83%8B%E9%97%9C%E3%82%B9%E3%83%AB%E6%A2%9D%E7%B4%84 日文版日本国内发行版本]'''为参考,结合知乎上的'''[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/136541137 中文译本]'''(初始来源不详)进行修订。


从1922年《华盛顿条约》签署到1945年8月15日日本海军随着无条件投降{{黑幕|玉 音 放 送}}而灰飞烟灭,日本海军先后通过了十余个主要的造舰计划。根据通过的时间和背景,这些计划可以分为受《华盛顿条约》体系约束的条约期内计划、《华盛顿条约》体系失效后日美军备竞赛期间的后条约时代计划、决定对美开战后的战备计划,以及太平洋战争爆发后的战时计划四个阶段。总的而言,在这二十三年的时间里,日本海军主要的造舰计划如下:

#条约原文中的“ton”,如无特别说明,所指的均为英制长吨(合约1.016吨),公吨则称为“metric ton”。为符合国内计量单位使用习惯,原文中指代英吨的“ton”一律翻译成“长吨”,“metric ton”一律翻译成“吨”。
#考虑到你游大部分玩家并未接受过船舶工程相关的专业教育,且作战舰艇通常无需考虑“载重”等概念,混淆“排水量”和“吨位”两个概念对理解条约内容影响不大,原文中的“tonnage(吨位)”、“displacement(排水量)”、“tonnage displacement(吨位排水量)”三个术语一律不做详细区分,视情况译为“吨位”或“排水量”。





<center>Signed at Washington, February 6, 1922.</center>


<center>Ratifications exchanged at Washington, August 17,1923.</center>


The United States of America, the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan:


Desiring to contribute to the maintenance of the general peace, and to reduce the burdens of competition in armament;


Have resolved, with a view to accomplishing these purposes, to conclude a treaty to limit their respective naval armament, and to that end have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries;


''The President of the United States of America:''
:大正12年(1923)- 大正16年(即昭和2年,1927),共5年。(关东大地震后整个计划向后顺延一年)


*航空母舰 - 2艘
:Charles Evans Hughes,
:*赤城型 - 1艘
:*加贺型 - 1艘


*巡洋舰(7100吨型) - 8艘(7100吨×4,10000吨×4)
:Henry Cabot Lodge,
:*古鹰型 - 2艘(7100吨×2)
:*青叶型 - 2艘(7100吨×2)
:*妙高型 - 4艘(10000吨×4)
*驱逐舰 - 24艘 → 21艘(1400吨×24 → 1400吨×16、1700吨×5)
:*神风型 - 4艘(1400吨×4,又被称为追风型)
:*睦月型 - 12艘(1400吨×12)
:*吹雪型 - 5艘(1700吨×5)
*潜水舰 - 28艘
:*巡潜1型(海大74型/伊1型)- 4艘
:*机雷潜型(伊21型/121型)- 6艘 → 4艘
:*大型 - 13艘 → 12艘
::*海大3型a(伊153型)- 5艘
::*海大3型b(伊156型)- 5艘
::*海大4型(伊162型)- 3艘
:*L4型(吕60型)- 5艘 → 8艘
*水雷母舰 - 1艘
*敷设舰 - 1艘(3000吨型,实际建造吨位约为2000吨)
*急设网舰 - 1艘(5000吨型,实际建造吨位约为1400吨)
*捕获网艇 - 3艘 → 2艘
*扫海艇 - 3艘
*给油舰 - 3艘
*给粮舰 - 1艘
*基准网艇 - 2艘 → 0


:Oscar W. Underwood,


:Elihu Root,


::citizens of the United States;


{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;"
''His Majesty the King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India:''
! colspan=13 | 昭和2年度计划及最终通过前各版计划详情(部分)
:The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, O. M.<sup>{{color|red|2}}</sup>, M. P., Lord President of His Privy Council;
:非常尊敬的亚瑟·詹姆斯·贝尔福勋爵阁下,O.M.,国会议员(M.P., Member of Parliament),枢密院议长(第一代贝尔福伯爵,英国前首相);
:The Right Honourable Baron Lee of Fareham, G. B. E., K. C. B., First Lord of His Admiralty;
:非常尊敬的李·费勒姆子爵阁下,G.B.E.<sup>{{color|red|2}}</sup>,K.C.B.<sup>{{color|red|2}}</sup>,第一海军大臣(本名亚瑟·汉密尔顿·李(Arthur Hamilton Lee),第一代李·费勒姆子爵);
:The Right Honourable Sir Auckland Campbell Geddes, K. C. B., His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America;
:for the Dominion of Canada:
::The Right Honourable Sir Robert Laird Borden,
:::G. C. M. G., K. C.;
::非常尊敬的罗伯特•莱尔德•鲍登阁下,G.C.M.G.<sup>{{color|red|2}}</sup>,K.C.(King's Counsel,御用大律师)(曾任第8任加拿大总理、加拿大保守党主席,1920年已退休);
:for the Commonwealth of Australia:
::Senator the Right Honourable George Foster Pearce, Minister for Home and Territories;
:for the Dominion of New Zealand:
::The Honourable Sir John William Salmond, K. C., Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand;
:for the Union of South Africa:
::The Right Honourable Arthur James Balfour, O. M., M. P.;
:for India:
::The Right Honourable Valingman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri, Member of the Indian Council of State;
''The President of the French Republic:''
:Mr. Albert Sarraut, Deputy, Minister of the Colonies;
:Mr. Jules J. Jusserand, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States of America, Grand Cross of the National Order of the Legion of Honour;
''His Majesty the King of Italy:''
:The Honourable Carlo Schanzer, Senator of the Kingdom;
:The Honourable Vittorio Rolandi Ricci, Senator of the Kingdom, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Washington;
:The Honourable Luigi Albertini, Senator of the Kingdom;
''His Majesty the Emperor of Japan:''
:Baron Tomosaburo Kato, Minister for the Navy, Junii, a member of the First Class of the Imperial Order of the Grand Cordon of the Rising Sun with the Paulownia Flower;
:Baron Kijuro Shidehara, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at Washington, Joshii, a member of the First Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun;
:Mr. Masanao Hanihara, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jushii, a member of the Second Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun;
Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed as follows:
:{{color|red|1. }}条约签署时法国和意大利分别为法兰西第三共和国和意大利王国时期。
:{{color|red|2. }}本部分英联邦代表成员头衔中出现的缩写除M.P.为“国会议员”外,其余均为英国的勋章,分别为:
::O.M.:功绩勋章(Order of Merit);
::G.B.E:大英帝国勋章(Order of the British Empire)三个等级中最高级的爵级大十字级(Knight/Dame Grand Cross);
::K.C.B.:巴斯勋章(Order of the Bath)三个等级中最高级的爵级大十字级(Knight/Dame Grand Cross);
::G.C.M.G.:圣米迦勒及圣乔治勋章(Order of St Michael and St George)三个等级中最高级的爵级大十字级(Knight/Dame Grand Cross);
:{{color|red|3. }}维基百科上的姓名为Valangaiman Sankaranarayana Srinivasa Sastri/瓦朗盖曼·桑卡拉纳拉亚纳·斯里尼瓦萨·萨斯特里,但本条约原文中首名为Valingman,存疑
===Article I 第一条===
The Contracting Powers agree to limit their respective naval armament as provided in the present Treaty.
===Article II 第二条===
The Contracting Powers may retain respectively the capital ships which are specified in Chapter II, Part 1. On the coming into force of the present Treaty, but subject to the following provisions of this Article, all other capital ships, built or building, of the United States, the British Empire and Japan shall be disposed of as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 2.
In addition to the capital ships specified in Chapter II, Part 1, the United States may complete and retain two ships of the "West Virginia" class now under construction. On the completion of these two ships, the "North Dakota" and "Delaware", shall be disposed of as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 2.
The British Empire may, in accordance with the replacement table in Chapter II, Part 3, construct two new capital ships not exceeding 35,000 tons (35,560 metric tons) standard displacement each. On the completion of the said two ships the "Thunderer", "King George V", "Ajax" and "Centurion" shall be disposed of as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 2.
===Article III 第三条===
Subject to the provisions of Article II, the Contracting Powers shall abandon their respective capital ship building programs, and no new capital ships shall be constructed or acquired by any of the Contracting Powers except replacement tonnage which may be constructed or acquired as specified in Chapter II, Part 3.
Ships which are replaced in accordance with Chapter II, Part 3, shall be disposed of as prescribed in Part 2 of that Chapter.
===Article IV 第四条===
The total capital ship replacement tonnage of each of the Contracting Powers shall not exceed in standard displacement, for the United States 525,000 tons (533,400 metric tons); for the British Empire 525,000 tons (533,400 metric tons); for France 175,000 tons (177,800 metric tons); for Italy 175,000 tons (177,800 metric tons); for Japan 315,000 tons (320,040 metric tons).
===Article V 第五条===
No capital ship exceeding 35,000 tons (35,560 metric tons) standard displacement shall be acquired by, or constructed by, for, or within the jurisdiction of, any of the Contracting Powers.
===Article VI 第六条===
No capital ship of any of the Contracting Powers shall carry a gun with a calibre in excess of 16 inches (406 millimetres).
===Article VII 第七条===
The total tonnage for aircraft carriers of each of the Contracting Powers shall not exceed in standard displacement, for the United States 135,000 tons (137,160 metric tons); for the British Empire 135,000 tons (137,160 metric tons); for France 60,000 tons (60,960 metric tons); for Italy 60,000 tons (60,960 metric tons); for Japan 81,000 tons (82,296 metric tons).
===Article VIII 第八条===
The replacement of aircraft carriers shall be effected only as prescribed in Chapter II, Part 3, provided, however, that all aircraft carrier tonnage in existence or building on November 12, 1921, shall be considered experimental, and may be replaced, within the total tonnage limit prescribed in Article VII, without regard to its age.
===Article IX 第九条===
No aircraft carrier exceeding 27,000 tons (27,432 metric tons) standard displacement shall be acquired by, or constructed by, for or within the jurisdiction of, any of the Contracting Powers.
However, any of the Contracting Powers may, provided that its total tonnage allowance of aircraft carriers is not thereby exceeded, build not more than two aircraft carriers, each of a tonnage of not more than 33,000 tons (33,528 metric tons) standard displacement, and in order to effect economy any of the Contracting Powers may use for this purpose any two of their ships, whether constructed or in course of construction, which would otherwise be scrapped under the provisions of Article II. The armament of any aircraft carriers exceeding 27,000 tons (27,432 metric tons) standard displacement shall be in accordance with the requirements of Article X, except that the total number of guns to be carried in case any of such guns be of a calibre exceeding 6 inches (152 millimetres), except anti-aircraft guns and guns not exceeding 5 inches (127 millimetres), shall not exceed eight.
===Article X 第十条===
No aircraft carrier of any of the Contracting Powers shall carry a gun with a calibre in excess of 8 inches (203 millimetres). Without prejudice to the provisions of Article IX, if the armament carried includes guns exceeding 6 inches (152 millimetres) in calibre the total number of guns carried, except anti-aircraft guns and guns not exceeding 5 inches (127 millimetres), shall not exceed ten. If alternatively the armament contains no guns exceeding 6 inches (152 millimetres) in calibre, the number of guns is not limited. In either case the number of anti-aircraft guns and of guns not exceeding 5 inches (127 millimetres) is not limited.
===Article XI 第十一条===
No vessel of war exceeding 10,000 tons (10,160 metric tons) standard displacement, other than a capital ship or aircraft carrier, shall be acquired by, or constructed by, for, or within the jurisdiction of, any of the Contracting Powers. Vessels not specifically built as fighting ships nor taken in time of peace under government control for fighting purposes, which are employed on fleet duties or as troop transports or in some other way for the purpose of assisting in the prosecution of hostilities otherwise than as fighting ships, shall not be within the limitations of this Article.
===Article XII 第十二条===
No vessel of war of any of the Contracting Powers, hereafter laid down, other than a capital ship, shall carry a gun with a calibre in excess of 8 inches (203 millimetres).
===Article XIII 第十三条===
Except as provided in Article IX, no ship designated in the present Treaty to be scrapped may be reconverted into a vessel of war.
===Article XIV 第十四条===
No preparations shall be made in merchant ships in time of peace for the installation of warlike armaments for the purpose of converting such ships into vessels of war, other than the necessary stiffening of decks for the mounting of guns not exceeding 6 inch (152 millimetres) calibre.
===Article XV 第十五条===
No vessel of war constructed within the jurisdiction of any of the Contracting Powers for a non-Contracting Power shall exceed the limitations as to displacement and armament prescribed by the present Treaty for vessels of a similar type which may be constructed by or for any of the Contracting Powers; provided, however, that the displacement for aircraft carriers constructed for a non-Contracting Power shall in no case exceed 27,000 tons (27,432 metric tons) standard displacement.
===Article XVI 第十六条===
If the construction of any vessel of war for a non-Contracting Power is undertaken within the jurisdiction of any of the Contracting Powers, such Power shall promptly inform the other Contracting Powers of the date of the signing of the contract and the date on which the keel of the ship is laid; and shall also communicate to them the particulars relating to the ship prescribed in Chapter II, Part 3, Section I (b), (4) and (5).
===Article XVII 第十七条===
In the event of a Contracting Power being engaged in war, such Power shall not use as a vessel of war any vessel of war which may be under construction within its jurisdiction for any other Power, or which may have been constructed within its jurisdiction for another Power and not delivered.
===Article XVIII 第十八条===
Each of the Contracting Powers undertakes not to dispose by gift, sale or any mode of transfer of any vessel of war in such a manner that such vessel may become a vessel of war in the Navy of any foreign Power.
===Article XIX 第十九条===
The United States, the British Empire and Japan agree that the ''status quo'' at the time of the signing of the present Treaty, with regard to fortifications and naval bases, shall be maintained in their respective territories and possessions specified hereunder:
(1) The insular possessions which the United States now holds or may hereafter acquire in the Pacific Ocean, except (a) those adjacent to the coast of the United States, Alaska and the Panama Canal Zone, not including the Aleutian Islands, and (b) the Hawaiian Islands;
(2) Hong Kong and the insular possessions which the British Empire now holds or may hereafter acquire in the Pacific Ocean, east of the meridian of 110° east longitude, except (a) those adjacent to the coast of Canada, (b) the Commonwealth of Australia and its Territories, and (c) New Zealand;
(3) The following insular territories and possessions of Japan in the Pacific Ocean, to wit: the Kurile Islands, the Bonin Islands, Amami-Oshima, the Loochoo Islands, Formosa and the Pescadores, and any insular territories or possessions in the Pacific Ocean which Japan may hereafter acquire.
The maintenance of the ''status quo'' under the foregoing provisions implies that no new fortifications or naval bases shall be established in the territories and possessions specified; that no measures shall be taken to increase the existing naval facilities for the repair and maintenance of naval forces, and that no increase shall be made in the coast defences of the territories and possessions above specified. This restriction, however, does not preclude such repair and replacement of worn-out weapons and equipment as is customary in naval and military establishments in time of peace.
===Article XX 第二十条===
The rules for determining tonnage displacement prescribed in Chapter II, Part 4, shall apply to the ships of each of the Contracting Powers.
===PART 1.-Capital Ships Which may Be Retained by the Contracting Powers <br>第一部分 缔约国各自可保留的主力舰===
In accordance with Article II ships may be retained by each of the Contracting Powers as specified in this Part.
! 英文舰名 !! 译名 !! 吨位/长吨 !! 备注
| Maryland || '''[[马里兰]] ||''' 32,600 || BB-46,科罗拉多级战列舰
| California || '''[[加利福尼亚]]''' || 32,300 || BB-44,田纳西级战列舰
| Tennessee || '''[[田纳西]]''' || 32,300 || BB-43,田纳西级战列舰
| Idaho || 爱达荷 || 32,000 || BB-42,新墨西哥级战列舰
| New Mexico || '''[[新墨西哥]]''' || 32,000 || BB-40,新墨西哥级战列舰
| Mississippi || 密西西比 || 32,000 || BB-41,新墨西哥级战列舰
| Arizona || 亚利桑那 || 31,400 || BB-39,宾夕法尼亚级战列舰
| Pennsylvania || '''[[宾夕法尼亚]]''' || 31,400 || BB-38,宾夕法尼亚级战列舰
| Oklahoma || '''[[俄克拉荷马]]''' || 27,500 || BB-37,内华达级战列舰
| Nevada || '''[[内华达]]''' || 27,500 || BB-36,内华达级战列舰
| New York || 纽约 || 27,000 || BB-34,纽约级战列舰
| Texas || 德克萨斯 || 27,000 || BB-35,纽约级战列舰
| Arkansas || 阿肯色 || 26,000 || BB-33,怀俄明级战列舰
| Wyoming || 怀俄明 || 26,000 || BB-32,怀俄明级战列舰
| Florida || 佛罗里达 || 21,825 || BB-30,佛罗里达级战列舰
| Utah || 犹他 || 21,825 || BB-31,佛罗里达级战列舰
| North Dakota || 北达科他 || 20,000 || BB-29,特拉华级战列舰
! rowspan=2 style="width:10%" | 舰种
| Delaware || 特拉华 || 20,000 || BB-28,特拉华级战列舰
! rowspan=2 style="width:10%" | 排水量
! colspan=2 style="width:16%" | 前期计划
! colspan=2 style="width:16%" | 大正14年案
! rowspan=2 style="width:8%" | 大正15年批准
! colspan=2 style="width:16%" | 昭和2年度计划
! rowspan=2 | 备注
! style="width:8%" | 大正13年<br>2月<br>军令部
! 总吨位 !! colspan=3 | 500,650长吨(508684吨)
! style="width:8%" | 大正13年<br>9月
! style="width:8%" | 军令部原案
! style="width:8%" | 大正14年10月提交案
On the completion of the two ships of the "West Virginia" class and the scrapping of the "North Dakota" and "Delaware", as provided in Article II, the total tonnage to be retained by the United States will be 525,850 tons.
! style="width:8%" | 大正15年8月
! style="width:8%" | 实际<br>获批
! 英文舰名 !! 译名 !! 吨位/长吨 !! 备注
| 航空母舰 || 27000 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Royal Sovereign || 君权 || 25,750 || 复仇级(又称R级)战列舰
| 航空<br>补给舰※ || 10000 || 3 || 2 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Royal Oak || '''[[皇家橡树]]''' || 25,750 || 复仇级战列舰
| 水上机<br>母舰 || 8000 || || || 1 || 1 ||  || 1 || 1 || 实际建造为航空母舰'''[[龙骧]]'''
| Revenge || 复仇 || 25,750 || 复仇级战列舰
| 侦查<br>巡洋舰 || 10000 || 12 || 4 || 4 || 4 ||  || 4 ||  || 高雄型
| Resolution || 决心 || 25,750 || 复仇级战列舰
| 驱逐舰 || 1900 || 36 || 22 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || 
| Ramilies || 拉米利斯 || 25,750 || 复仇级战列舰
| 驱逐舰 || 1700 || || || 22 || 20 || 4 || 16 || 15 || 大正15年和昭和2年两次建造均为吹雪型
| Malaya || 马来亚 || 27,500 || 伊丽莎白女王级战列舰
| 潜水舰<br>(巡洋) || 2000 || 8 || rowspan=4 | 10 || 2 || 1 ||  || 1 || 1 || 巡潜1型改(伊5)
| Valiant || 英勇 || 27,500 || 伊丽莎白女王级战列舰
| 潜水舰<br>(海大) || 1500 || 14 || 6 || 4 ||  || 4 || 3 || 海大5型
| Barham || 巴勒姆 || 27,500 || 伊丽莎白女王级战列舰
| 潜水舰<br>(机雷) || 2500 || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Queen Elizabeth || '''[[伊丽莎白女王]]''' || 27,500 || 伊丽莎白女王级战列舰
| 潜水舰<br>(补给) || 3500 || 4 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Warsprite || '''[[厌战]]''' || 27,500 || 伊丽莎白女王级战列舰
| 敷设舰 || 5000 || 4 || 4 || 4 || 2 ||  ||  ||  ||
| Benbow || 本鲍 || 25,000 || 铁公爵级战列舰
| 敷设舰 || 1200 || 12 || ||  ||  ||  || 2 || 1 || 昭和2年作为5000吨型代舰提出,最终建造为'''八重山'''
| Emperor of India || 印度皇帝 || 25,000 || 铁公爵级战列舰
| 急设网舰 || 5000 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Iron Duke || 铁公爵 || 25,000 || 铁公爵级战列舰
| 基准网艇 || 500 || 4 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Marlborough || 马尔博罗 || 25,000 || 铁公爵级战列舰
| 捕获网艇 || 500 || 6 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Hood || '''[[胡德]]''' || 41,200 || 海军上将级战列巡洋舰
| 炮舰(大) || 1000 || 1 ||  || rowspan=3 | 3 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||
| Renown || '''[[声望]]''' || 26,500 || 声望级战列巡洋舰
| 炮舰(中) || 820 || 1 || ||  ||  || 1 ||  || 昭和2年度作为1000吨型代舰提出,未获批
| Repulse || '''[[反击]]''' || 26,500 || 声望级战列巡洋舰
| 炮舰(小) || 340 || 4 || || 2 ||  || 2 || 2 || 实际建造为250吨级'''热海型'''
| Tiger || || 28,500 || 虎级战列巡洋舰
| 工作舰 || 20000 || 1 ||  || 1 || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||
| Thunderer || 雷神 || 22,500 || '''[[猎户座]]'''级战列舰
| 给油舰 || 15400 || 2 || 1 || 1 || 1 ||  || 1 ||  ||
| King George V || 英王乔治五世 || 23,000 || 英王乔治五世级战列舰(1911)
| 给兵舰 || 15000 || 1 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||
| Ajax || 阿贾克斯 || 23,000 || 英王乔治五世级战列舰(1911)
| colspan=2 | 总计 || 115 || 43 || 45 || 37 || 4 || 33 || 27 ||
| Centurion || 百夫长 || 23,000 || 英王乔治五世级战列舰(1911)
| colspan=13 | '''※''':1922年《华盛顿海军条约》中只对吨位超过10000吨的航空母舰做出了约束,因此日本海军计划使用排水量不超过10000吨的“航空补给舰”来规避条约限制。但随着1930年《伦敦海军条约》追加了禁止英、美、日建造10000吨以下航空母舰的规定,该“暗度陈仓”策略即告失败。
! 总吨位 !! colspan=3 | 580450长吨(589764吨)

On the completion of the two new ships to be constructed and the scrapping of the "Thunderer", "King George V", "Ajax" and "Centurion", as provided in Article II, the total tonnage to be retained by the British Empire will be 558,950 tons.
Page 255


:大正15年(1926)- 大正16年(即昭和2年,1927),共2年。
::*特I型(吹雪型)- 4艘(652万7600日元×4)

! 英文舰名 !! 译名 !! 吨位/长吨 !! 备注
| Bretagne || 布列塔尼 || 23,500 || 布列塔尼级战列舰
| Lorraine || 洛林 || 23,500 || 布列塔尼级战列舰
| Provence || 普罗旺斯 || 23,500 || 布列塔尼级战列舰
| Paris || 巴黎 || 23,500 || 孤拔级战列舰
| France || 法兰西 || 23,500 || 孤拔级战列舰
| Jean Bart || 让·巴尔 || 23,500 || 孤拔级战列舰
| Courbet || 孤拔 || 23,500 || 孤拔级战列舰
| Condorcet || 孔多塞 || 18,900 || 丹东级战列舰
| Diderot || 狄德罗 || 18,900 || 丹东级战列舰
| Voltaire || 伏尔泰 || 18,900 || 丹东级战列舰
! 总吨位 !! colspan=3 | 221170长吨(224719吨)

France may lay down new tonnage in the years 1927, 1929, and 1931, as provided in Part 3, Section II.
:大正16年(即昭和2年,1927)- 大正20年(即昭和6年,1931),共5年。
:*水上机母舰 - 1艘
:*侦查巡洋舰 - 4艘
:*驱逐舰 - 15艘
::*特I型改 - 1艘
::*特II型(绫波型)- 10艘
:*潜水舰(巡洋)- 1艘
:*潜水舰(海大)- 3艘



! 英文舰名 !! 译名 !! 吨位/长吨 !! 备注
| Andrea Doria || '''[[安德烈亚·多利亚]]''' || 22,700 || 安德烈亚·多利亚级战列舰
| Caio Duilio || '''[[卡约·杜伊里奥]]''' || 22,700 || 安德烈亚·多利亚级战列舰
{| class="mw-collapsible wikitable mw-collapsed" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan=5 | 昭和2年度计划及最终通过前各版计划详情(部分)
| Conte Di Cavour || 加富尔伯爵 || 22,500 || 加富尔伯爵级战列舰
| Giulio Cesare || 朱丽叶·凯撒 || 22,500 || 加富尔伯爵级战列舰
| Leonardo Da Vinci || 莱昂纳多·达·芬奇<sup>{{color|red|1}}<sup> || 22,500 || 加富尔伯爵级战列舰
| Dante Alighieri || 但丁·阿利格里 || 19,500 || 战列舰,自成一级
! style="width:15%" | 舰种
| Roma || 罗马 || 12,600 || 埃莉娜王后级战列舰
! style="width:10%" | 基准<br>排水量
! style="width:10%" | 军令部<br>原案
! style="width:10%" | 最终案 !! 备注
| 战列舰 || 35000吨 || 4 || 4 || 基于《华盛顿条约》规定的旧舰代舰
| Napoli || 那波利 || 12,600 || 埃莉娜王后级战列舰
| 巡洋舰 || 10000吨 || 5 || 4 || '''[[天龙]]'''、'''[[龙田]]'''、'''球磨'''、'''[[多摩]]'''代舰
| Vittorio Emanuele || 维托里奥·伊曼纽尔 || 12,600 || 埃莉娜王后级战列舰
| 驱逐舰(中) || 1400吨 || 16 || 12 || rowspan=2 | 到昭和11年舰龄将满14年的40艘旧驱逐舰代舰
| Regina Elena || 埃莉娜王后 || 12,600 || 埃莉娜王后级战列舰
| 驱逐舰(小) || 1000吨 || 32 || 28
! 总吨位 !! colspan=3 | 182800长吨(185733吨)
| 潜水舰(巡洋) || 1900吨 || 2 || 2 || rowspan=3 | 到昭和11年舰龄将满13年的30艘小型潜水舰代舰
| colspan=4 | {{color|red|1. }}莱昂纳多·达·芬奇在1916年爆炸沉没,1919年被打捞试图修复,截至条约签署仍未放弃该计划,因而被计入华盛顿条约谈判范围。但在条约生效后,意大利最终放弃了维修该舰的计划。
Italy may lay down new tonnage in the years 1927, 1929, and 1931, as provided in Part 3, Section II.
! 英文舰名 !! 译名 !! 吨位/长吨 !! 备注
| 潜水舰(海大) || 1600吨 || 12 || 10
| Mutsu || '''[[陆奥]]''' || 33,800 || 长门级战列舰
| 潜水舰(中型) || 800吨 || 18 || 18
| Nagato || '''[[长门]]''' || 33,800 || 长门级战列舰
| 炮舰(大) || 900吨 || 2 || 2 || 1913年前造旧型炮舰'''宇治'''、'''嵯峨'''代舰
| Hiuga || '''[[日向]]''' || 31,260 || 伊势级战列舰
| 工作舰 || 10000吨 || 1 || 1 || 日俄战争掳获俄军1897年造工作舰'''关东'''代舰
| Ise || '''[[伊势]]''' || 31,260 || 伊势级战列舰
| 给油舰 || 15000吨 || 2 || 1 || “'''[[八八舰队#八四舰队案|八四舰队案]]'''造'''野间'''代舰
| Yamashiro || '''[[山城]]''' || 30,600 || 扶桑级战列舰
| 敷设艇 || 500 || 8 || 5 || 8艘测天型敷设艇中舰龄超过20年的5艘代舰
| Fu-So || '''[[扶桑]]''' || 30,600 || 扶桑级战列舰
| 驱潜艇(大) || 300 || 4 || 1 ||
| Kirishima || '''[[雾岛]]''' || 27,500 || 金刚级战列巡洋舰
| 驱潜艇(小) || 30 || 8 || 2 ||
| Haruna || '''[[榛名]]''' || 27,500 || 金刚级战列巡洋舰
| Hiyei || '''[[比睿]]''' || 27,500 || 金刚级战列巡洋舰
| Kongo || '''[[金刚]]''' || 27,500 || 金刚级战列巡洋舰
! 总吨位 !! colspan=3 | 301320长吨(306155吨)