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  • Firefox/Safari:按住“Shift”的同时单击“刷新”,或按“Ctrl-F5”或“Ctrl-R”(Mac为“⌘-R”)
  • Google Chrome:按“Ctrl-Shift-R”(Mac为“⌘-Shift-R”)
  • Internet Explorer:按住“Ctrl”的同时单击“刷新”,或按“Ctrl-F5”
  • Opera:在“工具→首选项”中清除缓存

如果您已登陆但该页面出现未登录状态,请尝试在地址栏的地址最后添加代码?id=1来访问最新页面,添加代码后的本页地址如下: https://www.zjsnrwiki.com/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css?id=1

  1. 全局CSS
  2. 全局JS
  3. 移动端CSS
  4. 移动端JS
  5. 管理员CSS
  6. 管理员JS
/* 放置于这里的CSS将应用于所有皮肤 */

/* Test 123
OvO is watching you!

/*@font-face {*/
/*  font-family: 'JetBrainsMono';*/
/*  src: url(https://0v0.zjsnrwiki.com/static/fonts/JetBrainsMono-Regular.woff2) format('woff2');*/
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/*.sitenotice {*/


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/*body {*/
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/*h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {*/
/*   font-family: sans-serif !important;*/

/*.CodeMirror, .ace_editor, .mw-code, .diff, pre {*/
/*	font-family: "JetBrainsMono", sans-serif, monospace !important;*/

/*body.skin-vector-2022 .mw-page-container {*/
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/*body.skin-vector-legacy .mw-body {*/
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/*body.skin-vector {*/
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/*body.skin-citizen {*/
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/*    background-repeat: no-repeat;*/
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/*    background-attachment: fixed;*/

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/*.tabber__section {*/
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/*.tabber__panel {*/

/*139 footer修复*/
/*#footer-places {*/
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/*.page-首页 #catlinks {*/
/*    display: none;*/

/*#p-personal .vector-menu-content-list {*/
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/*.mw-body {*/
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/* background:none;*/
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/*.portal {*/
/*    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);*/

/*#footer {*/
/*    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);    */

/* 回到顶部 */

/*.backToTop {*/
/*    display: none;*/
/*    width: 20px;*/
/*    padding: 5px 0;*/
/*    background-color: #000;*/
/*    color: #fff;*/
/*    font-size: 12px;*/
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/*    _bottom: "auto";*/
/*    cursor: pointer;*/
/*    opacity: .6;*/
/*    filter: Alpha(opacity=60);*/

/* 桌面版黑幕模板配合CSS */

/*.heimu a,*/
/*a .heimu,*/
/*.heimu a.new {*/
/*    background-color: #252525 !important;*/
/*    color: #252525 !important;*/
/*    text-shadow: none !important;*/
/*    cursor:help;*/

/*.heimu a:hover,*/
/*a:hover .heimu {*/
/*    color: #66CCFF !important*/

/*.heimu .new:hover,*/
/*.new:hover .heimu {*/
/*    color: #FF6666 !important*/

/*.heimu:hover {*/
/*    color: #FFFFFF !important;*/

/*.heimu:hover a {*/
/*    color: #66CCFF !important;*/

/*.heimu .new:hover a {*/
/*    color: #FF6666 !important;*/

/* 隐藏首页标题,空行,讨论、查看源代码tab */

/*.page-首页 h1.firstHeading,*/
/*.page-首页 #siteSub,*/
/*.page-首页 #contentSub,*/
/*.page-首页 li#ca-viewsource,*/
/*.page-首页 li#ca-talk {*/
/*    display: none;*/

/* 大家族模板 */

/*table.navbox {*/
/*    border: 1px solid #aaa;*/
/*    clear: both;*/
/*    margin: auto;*/
/*    padding: 1px;*/
/*    text-align: center;*/
/*    width: 100%;*/

/*table.navbox+table.navbox {*/
/*    margin-top: -1px;*/

/*table.navbox th {*/
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/*.navbox-group {*/
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/*    white-space: nowrap;*/

/*.navbox-subgroup {*/
/*    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fdfdfd;*/

/*.navbox-list {*/
/*    border-color: #fdfdfd;*/

/*table.navbox th {*/
/*    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #a5e4a5;*/

/*.navbox-subgroup .navbox-title {*/
/*    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #c0ecc0;*/

/*.navbox-subgroup .navbox-group,*/
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/*.navbox-even {*/
/*    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #f5fcf5;*/

/*.navbox-odd {*/
/*    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;*/

/*.collapseButton {*/
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/*.navbox .collapseButton {*/
/*    width: 6em;*/


/*.zjsnr-banner {*/
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/*    background-color: #f9f9f9;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .top img {*/
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/*    display: inline-block;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .top h2 {*/
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/*.zjsnr-banner .top p {*/
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/*.zjsnr-banner .clear {*/
/*    clear: both;*/

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/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1:first-child {*/
/*    margin-left: 0;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 > .banner1-title {*/
/*    text-align: center;*/
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/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 .banner2-wrap {*/
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/*    text-align: center;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .banner2,*/
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/*    list-style: none;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 .banner2 {*/
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/*    display: none;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .banner-list {*/
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/*.zjsnr-banner .banner-list li {*/
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/*    color: #c3c3c3;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 a:link,*/
/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 a:visited,*/
/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 a:hover,*/
/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1 a:active {*/
/*    text-decoration: none;*/
/*    color: black;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .banner1:hover {*/
/*    background: #a7d7f9;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .countdown {*/
/*    width: 100%;*/

/*.zjsnr-banner .countdown p {*/
/*    text-align: center;*/
/*    font-size: 1.5em;*/

/*@media (max-width: 550px) {*/
/*    .zjsnr-banner .top img {*/
/*        display: none;*/
/*    }*/
/*    .zjsnr-banner .top p {*/
/*        float: left;*/
/*        margin-top: 10px;*/
/*    }*/
/*    .zjsnr-banner .banner1 {*/
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/*        float: none;*/
/*        background: #a7d7f9;*/
/*        display: block;*/
/*        margin-left: 0;*/
/*    }*/
/*    .zjsnr-banner .banner1 .banner2 {*/
/*        position: relative;*/
/*    }*/

/* 装备模版的超链接文本样式 */

/*.equip_temp_text a:link,*/
/*.equip_temp_text a:active,*/
/*.equip_temp_text a:hover {color:#84C1FF}*/
/*.equip_temp_text a:visited {color:#D3A4FF}*/

/*	background-color:#E0BAFF;*/
/*	border:#B356FF solid 1px;*/
/*	left:16px;*/
/* 舰娘模板 */
/* 滚动条 */
/*	-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);*/
/*	border-radius: 10px;*/
/*	background-color: rgb(0,77,122);*/

/*	width: 6px;*/
/*	background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0);*/

/*	border-radius: 10px;*/
/*	-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);*/
/*	background-color: rgba(208,205,199,1);*/
/* 齿轮动画 */
/*.chilun {*/
/*	-webkit-animation: chilun 0.25s steps(1, end) infinite;*/
/*	}*/
/*@-webkit-keyframes chilun {*/
/*	0% {*/
/*		left: 0;*/
/*	}*/
/*	25% {*/
/*		left: -92.3px;*/
/*	}*/
/*	50% {*/
/*		left: -184.6px;*/
/*	}*/
/*	75% {*/
/*		left: -276.9px;*/
/*	}*/
/*	100% {*/
/*		left: -369.9px;*/
/*	}*/
/* 隐藏的面板 */
/*.ship_detail_more_info {*/
/*	height:36px;*/

/*.ship_detail_more_info div{*/
/*	opacity:0;*/
/*	transition:opacity 0.5s;*/
/*	-moz-transition:opacity 0.5s;*/
/*	-webkit-transition:opacity 0.5s;*/
/*	-o-transition:opacity 0.5s;*/

/*.ship_detail_more_info:hover {*/
/*	height:140px;*/

/*.ship_detail_more_info:hover div{*/
/*	opacity:100;*/

/* 移动端不显示 */



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-moz-animation:myfirst 5s; /* Firefox */
-webkit-animation:myfirst 5s; /* Safari and Chrome */
-o-animation:myfirst 5s; /* Opera */

/*@keyframes myfirst*/
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@-moz-keyframes myfirst /* Firefox */
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@-webkit-keyframes myfirst /* Safari and Chrome */
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@-o-keyframes myfirst /* Opera */
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	/*匀速 循环*/
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/*				100% {*/
/*					transform: rotate(-360deg);*/
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/* 首页 */
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/* 装备图鉴页面 */

/*div.eqTable {*/

/*div.eqC1, div.eqC2, div.eqP1, div.eqP2 {*/

/*div.eqTable .eqCaption {*/
/*border:solid 1px rgb(170,170,170);*/
/*border-right:solid 0px rgb(170,170,170);*/

/*div.eqTable .eqCaption:last-child {*/
/*border:solid 1px rgb(170,170,170);*/

/*div.eqTable .eqPic {*/
/*border:solid 1px rgb(170,170,170);*/
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/*div.eqTable .eqPic:last-child {*/
/*border:solid 1px rgb(170,170,170);*/

/* 彩虹字体 */
/*.rainbowText {*/
/*-webkit-background-clip: text;*/
/*-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;*/

/* sm2(音频播放器) */
/*.sm2-bar-ui {*/
/* font-size: 16px;*/
/*.sm2-bar-ui .sm2-main-controls,*/
/*.sm2-bar-ui .sm2-playlist-drawer {*/
/* background-color: #98c5e9;*/
/*.sm2-bar-ui .sm2-inline-texture {*/
/* background: transparent;*/